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" Healing happens when the body feels safe "

a little about me..

I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains riding horses and exploring dance. I suffered greatly as a child which catalyzed my healing journey at a very young age. I took my first yoga class at 13 years old and have been studying yoga ever since. I began reading Krishnamurti and Aldous Huxley's work which led me down a very curious path into consciousness and spirituality. 


In 2016 I became a certified Yoga Alliance 200hr teacher and studied with renowned teachers Katy Knowles, Katy Silcox, Lilias Folan, Yogarupa and Sue Hunt.  I began teaching for a non-profit called Project Yoga in rehab centers, halfway houses and schools in underserved Appalachian communities. I then took a hiatus from teaching and began to deepen my studies which included studying at the Himalayan Institute in 2017 and priming my personal sadhana through the practice of yoga nidra.


After having my son, I went on to study 1:1 with spiritual teacher Sue Hunt and obtained my 500hr in 2021. I started to explore what it meant to parent consciously and started to share my writings on social platforms. I developed respect for nutrition and gut health to aid in nourishing my own gut biome and deepening my understanding of how the body functions. I then went on to free birth my 10ld 4oz baby with just me and my partner! (More on that on IG).


I just completed co-teaching a 300hr Teacher Training program exploring philosophy and energy. I am teaching weekly classes, privates and workshops.  Everything I teach I have embodied.  I am trained in Hatha, Vinyasa, and Tantra. I am a lifelong student of yoga and Buddhism.     SAT NAM            

I honestly got so much more out of frequency then I was expecting. I really didn’t know what to expect because I’ve only ever been in traditional therapy/currently in trauma therapy. The sessions with you helped me look at things that I’ve been working on in that space for the last couple of years in a different light (setting boundaries, cutting off toxic people/family, self-love, slowing down, etc.) and now I address my issues with an even higher sense of self. I’m still using a lot of the things I learned from you in practice even if it isn’t everyday I keep reminding myself to go back and use those tools when I find myself slipping.

- G

"If it's not working, keep listening."

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